For more than 15 years, the political group of the Claro coast has been denouncing the continuous dumping of sewage in the streets and beaches of Orihuela Costa. Already in 2016, the spokesman for Cambiemos Carlos Bernabé demanded from hidraqua, greater control and transparency in the renovation and maintenance of the water and sanitation network. Due to the incessant increase in population, the problems suffered by the coast have been increasing without stopping. In the last 2 years, there have been several spills, one of which released more than 60,000l of sewage that flowed down Avda. de Villamartín, crossed the N332 at the La Zenia roundabout and threatened Calabosque Beach, one of the beaches that a week ago made headlines for the closure of three beaches on the Orihuela coast due to water pollution. We know well and we smell the problems of a sewage treatment plant that has not passed the ITV for years.

From Save Cala Mosca we regret the management that the Orihuela town hall has been carrying out historically on the coast, where the lack of services is evident, year after year. We have suffered them and they have told us about them, to the point of getting used to them and not expecting anything from the City Council. The shortages occur despite neighborhood complaints that are annulled in the elections, since the majority of the population of the coast does not vote in Orihuela.

This City Council, of whatever political color, cannot afford, right now, the luxury of granting new building licenses on the coast if it does not have guaranteed services, and those it does have should be stopped out of responsibility until it is ensured that, for example, there is no new overflow of sewage into the streets. The services affected by the complaints are various and revolve around security, street cleaning, caring for parks, sewage or mobility, that is, traffic jams and the lack of public transport. The problems are not only repeated every year, but they increase because far from solving them, the City Council seems to only be concerned with adding more homes, for which the conditions do not matter.

From Save Cala Mosca we claim a responsible City Council with its obligations..

Not only does it fail, but it also destroys. It destroys our natural environmental biodiversity of the coastal zone to place more houses that will multiply the already existing problems and that are notable, but not acceptable. The quality of life of the residents should be the priority, while it seems that the ideas of the historic Town Hall go in the opposite direction. Sense contrary to respect for the coast to fulfill its duties as manager. The residents of Orihuela Costa repeat, we are not respected. For all the respect we deserve, the City Council must propose solutions that begin to be applied now, as far as possible. The solution, with or without political color but necessary, is the conservation of the environment of Cala Mosca, because it is our last kilometer of unbuilt coastline, where unique species cohabit that may disappear due to construction greed, destroyer of our environment and construction of problems when those responsible do not comply with services for the population. I feel that when everything is destroyed, with a thousand and one half-empty developments, no one wants to live with this lack of services, then we will mourn the wealth lost and sold with the money that also left.


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