SALVEMOSCALAMOSCA.ES is a communication channel that reflects the desire to conserve and protect the natural environment of Cala Mosca. We represent the desire of the inhabitants of Orihuela Costa to continue having a natural space where endemic species grow and in a vulnerable state, and we represent the discomfort of the citizens at the news of its imminent and unintelligible destruction, with the excuse of the construction of a new urbanization, another one, in the last virgin kilometer of the Orihuela coast.


From SALVEMOSCALAMOSCA.ES we do not accept any possible excuse, because it is our heritage of air, land and life, as our logo expresses. The quality of life that Cala Mosca gives Orihuela and those who come to it is incalculable, in terms of physical and mental health. Its destruction has no chance of recovery. The losses will be eternal for Orihuela, in quality of life, environmental and economic. Also economic because the quality of life is going to worsen exponentially with the problems that the planned 2,200 new homes will bring. Let's remember the current problems: traffic jams, security, garbage and street cleaning or sewage, for example. The economic gains are for private entities, which are millions of euros, insignificant and volatile, compared to the environmental value in biodiversity created, little by little, over the centuries, and which they are going to destroy.


You can contact us through social networks, the contact page in the top menu or by email:


Your help is fundamental, your support even more.


© 2023 Salvemos Cala Mosca.