Let's save Cala Mosca

Together we stop the urban savagery in Cala Mosca, our only undeveloped km of the Orihuela coast.

We will lose endemic species, the only natural space without building, a unique environment of virgin beaches, we will saturate the N-332 more, etc.

We are allowing an unsustainable mode of construction, while we lose an irrecoverable natural wealth and under dozens of irregularities and negative reports from various institutions, it is an outdated tourism model that promises more progress to citizens (when the only progress is the private interest of the construction company and city council) the only thing that citizens will receive is to lose that natural space, more traffic jams, more sewage, more discharges, more saturation. And the City Council is not going to put any solution to all this.

Now it is our turn to act. Join the Salvemos Cala Mosca platform and be heard.

Open this link to join the WhatsApp group and stop the destruction of the Cala Mosca environment:  

Outstanding news

La asociación ecologista Salvemos Cala Mosca ha desarrollado una denuncia junto a otras 26 organizaciones con intereses ecologistas ante la UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza). La carta, presentada el día 9 de julio, es una denuncia por las irregularidades y ataques por […]
El pasado lunes 29 de abril de 2024, Salvemos Cala Mosca ha presentado una denuncia ante el Seprona de Alicante para que se aclare si, ante las evidencias de las fotografías tomadas en la zona de Cala Mosca, se está produciendo una agresión grave al hábitat […]
El himno de Cala Moscca
© 2023 Salvemos Cala Mosca.